December 30, 2008

Mark Got a New Camera for Christmas!

We had a wonderful Christmas this year! We went home to Houston for a week. The girls had a great time! We have one week left in Round Rock to get settled and enjoy some family bonding time of our own. With our Christmas gifts, we got a new camera. The following are just some of the hundreds of pictures we have taken..... :) I thought I would be able to upload them and change the order, but I guess not... sorry!
At the top of the slide....keep reading it will make sense.

Say "Cheese"!

We went to church the Sunday we came back in the beautiful dresses Nana and Papa gave us!

Everyone is having fun! Huh?

At the bottom of the slide!

Nana and Kate playing "Patty Cake."

Hello Haley!

December 24, 2008

Christmas at the Hopkins

Auntie Jen, Uncle D. and baby peanut. Baby Peanut will be born in May. We cann't wait to meet her.

Opening presents Christmas morning with mommy and daddy.

Darren and Valerie in the Garden room.

Sitting in front of the tree with Nana.

Taking pictures with Papa.

Posing with our dolls for the Christmas picture.

Kate opening her first present...a doll named Olivia.

Paige opening her first present....a doll named Sarah. Daddy got to change her dress. Then Uncle D. got to put it back on. She spent a long time looking for her "Baby's Daddy." Unfortunately, Sarah doesn't have a daddy.

Watching movies with Uncle D and Auntie Jen.

Trying on Nana's glasses. She said she couldn't see anything with them on.

Baking cookies with Auntie Jen. Paige's favorite part is the icing.

December 20, 2008

Catching Up!

We are getting ready to celebrate the Holidays! Paige and Kate are getting excited about Santa's visit. Paige can sing the entire song, "Santa Clause is Coming to Town." It is really cute when she gets to the verse that is supposed to say, "so be good for goodness sakes,' because she says, "So be good for Christmas sake." The Methodist church put on a Bethlehem walk and the girls and I got to see baby Jesus in the manger. Paige sang baby Jesus Happy Birthday. It was very sweet. Half way through the song she said, "Mommy he's not listening to me. His eyes are closed." I explained that Jesus always listens to you even if you feel like he is not. What a lesson to be reminded of. Anyway, we will be spending most of the break in Houston with both sides of the family. It should be a wonderful time!
Kate is one year old! Happy Birthday! November, 29 2007.

Paige and Kate playing with Kate's birthday presents. Kate is wearing a new birthday dress. We celebrated her birthday at the football game. She made a poster that said, "All I want for my birthday is a Stony Point win!" She got her win and the Tigers went on to win couple more play off games. They made it to the semi finals... Next year we will go all the way! I am so proud of the boys, coaches and their families. It was a long season, but we all worked hard until the end. Everyone's efforts were validated by the success the team achieved! We are so thankful to be here in Round Rock and part of the Stony Point Football.

Grace, Paige and Kate playing at the park. This is the best picture I have of the three of them. They are almost all looking at the camera!

Playing at the park during Thanksgiving break.

November 24, 2008

Grammy and Grampy Visit

Getting ready to go...I am not sure why it is so blurry in the middle of this picture. I wish it were more clear.
Papa and Grampy were reading the girls, "Fancy Nancy."

Go Tigers! Kate really gets into the games!

Thanks Uma, Papa, Grammy and Grampy for coming to visit the other weekend. We had a lot of fun. We went to eat at Hao Hao and then to the football game. Unfortunately for the family, I had not really figured out how and where we were going at the game. We parked on the wrong side of the stadium and had to walk all the way around. Then our seats were at the tip top of the bleachers....The wooden bleachers that are very narrow and it was a very crowded game. When we finally got to our seats, Paige had a dirty diaper....Once everyone got settled in their seats I began to dread the trip back down to our car. We made it through half time then it was back to the car....Grammy and Grampy can walk really fast! The Tigers won and I was glad to have everyone see what we do on Friday nights.

October 29, 2008

Paige carves her first pumpkin. She wanted it to be "scarey."

Kody (our neighbor) tries to get all the cousins together for a picture. Almost everyone was looking!

Macey says, HEY!

Ryan and Paige rested after the park.

This was as close as we got to a group picture.

Papa posed with the girls.

Ryan was King of the Park!

They had a picnic of donuts and kolaches in the park with Papa.

Paige and Ryan watched a movie.

Aunt Leslie had some qaulity time with the little cousins!

It has been a long time since we visited Katy, but Paige and Ryan got along just fine. They went crusing in the jeep.

Paige cheers the team on with the tigers.

Paige and her dad pose with the Tiger mascot!

Kate and I watched from the sidelines.

Paige got to ride in the Stony Point Tiger Homecoming Parade.

October 14, 2008


Kate, Paige and I made Halloween cookies on Sunday. We iced them and delivered them to the neighbors. Paige was in charge of the sprinkles and Kate took care of licking the bowl (hee hee).
Want some? Yummy!
Our kids were decked out in matching outfits so I thought we should get a picture... Too bad by the time we took the picture they no longer had complete outfits on.
Hey Mom, look what I made for you! So the other morning I am trying to clean and get ready to go to the YMCA. I keep smelling something dirty, so I took out the trash, vacuumed and sprayed air freshener. I could not figure out where the smell was coming from. I gave up and went to get Kate ready. Guess what I found... my diaperless baby with poo spread everywhere. It all over her crib, bottles, body and even thrown across the room. She was thrilled. It was the grossest (is that a real word) thing I have ever had to clean up!

October 3, 2008

This is Kate's favorite way to eat dinner. Yummmy hot dogs.
Kate waits patiently as Terry and I scramble to get the girls ready for the game. There is a lot involved in just getting there. Once we are there it is always a sigh of relief.
When we finally get to the games, the girls start methodically taking everything off. We have to take pictures right when we get there.
Kate loves everything about the football games. She loves to cheer on the tigers.
This is the first picture that Paige has ever taken. She did pretty good.

We are so proud of Mark and the Tigers. He is part of a great team!